Post Installation Considerations Proper installation is crucial in order to achieve the intended benefits and life cycle of underground lighting fixtures. Some of them include: Placement: Position the lighting fixtures in such a way as to create the desired result. Where walkways are concerned, path lights should compliment the natural flow of these roots while spotlights should pinpoint specific important features. Too much brightness and too much darkness should be avoided through even distribution.- Depth: burying depth of the fixtures depend on the type of light and its size. Most of the time, fixtures are buried a distance of 6-12 inches under the ground so that adequate amount of illumination is provided while still keeping them out of sight.- Wiring and Power Source: a power Source is required for use as an underground lighting source. Light emitting diodes are quite popular and favorable due to their energy efficiency and low power consumption. Ensure for example, that the wires will be protected from all kinds of dampness and soil.Similar to weather or water proof items, outdoor rating is also crucial. The current weather is likely to change in nature so only waterproof materials as well as those that do not rust should be used.- Maintenance Access: Access for maintenance, although not frequently required due to the low maintenance nature of underground lighting fixtures, should not be a hassle. Place them in such a manner that maintenance should not involve a lot of digging as most of the wires will be buried.
Design Ideas with Underground Lighting Fixtures
When you install underground lighting fixtures in your outdoor design, these are some of the creative ways in which you can enhance the look of your space:
Garden Pathways: If you have garden paths, you can put very low underground lights to help light the way for guests and create an enchanting element in your gardens.
Driveways: You can floodlight your driveway to increase safety as well as the aesthetics. Motion sensor lights can also be quite helpful since they only turn on when they are needed.
Architectural Highlights: Set the attention-grabbing columns, arches, and other particular forms with a light by accentuating the particular areas with spotlights.
Water Features: Sculpt fountains, ponds and burns with lights buried or underwater to enhance the display at night.
Outdoor Entertainment Areas: If it’s an outdoor event, it would be appropriate to light the patio, deck, or the kitchen outside with such underground lights as would be most efficient for energy purposes.
There are several advantages of using underground lighting fixtures and one of them is that they make a perfect and elegant enhancement for your outdoor spaces. These lights can be conveniently incorporated in your landscape design with the right application of knowledge about the advantages, types, and installation factors of this lighting. There are barriers that can also be colors, shapes, or images. If your objective is to use them to increase security, emphasize certain features of a building, or interject a quiet mood, there are underground lights for many such aspects and more.